G20 Energy Ministerial Meeting
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Mr. Alaboyun delivered a speech at the “Access to Energy in Sub Saharan Africa” held in Istanbul within the scope of G20.

Underlining that G20 is one of the most important and the most efficient platforms of the world, Minister Alaboyun stated that “G20 does not only represent 85% of the global economy and 80% of the global trade volume, but also represents two third of the global population.”
Drawing the audience’s attention to the fact that energy is one of the problems of humanity, he indicated that despite 100 years passed since the invention of the light bulb, there are still places with no access to electricity.
Touching upon the issue that electricity bears much more important meaning than its simple definition, Minister Alaboyun stated the following: “Think of your technology, your computers and telephones. To some people, life without electricity is a boring life. There’s no electricity, no computers, no internet, no television but to some people life with no electricity means there is no power for the refrigerators to store medicine, no light for reading in the evenings, and that the pump would not work to draw water from the wells.”