
Coal is a black, dark gray or brown-black colored, shiny or matt solid fossil fuel and also a sedimentary rock. Coal consists of organic substances of plant origin and inorganic components. Coal contains mostly carbon, small amounts of hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen elements and inorganic (such as clay, silt, trace elements) substances. Coal is formed as a result of physical (pressure, sedimentation, etc.) and chemical events (heat, decomposition and transformation, etc.) called the coalification process.


Carbonization; is the process of alteration of plants. Peat, lignite, sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal (hard coal), anthracite and graphite are formed by turning into each other.


Coal; It is used in electricity production, heating, iron-steel and cement industry and other fields of industry.

Coal ranked second after oil with a share of 26,5% in world primary energy consumption in 2023. In the world electricity production, it ranked first with a share of 35,1%.


According to The Energy Institute 2024 data, as of the end of 2020, the total anthracite and bituminous coals, sub-bituminous coals and lignite reserves in the world are 1,07 trillion tons, of which 753,6 billion tons (70%) is anthracite and bituminous coal (hard coal), 320,5 billion tons (30%) are sub-bituminous coals and lignite.


Figure 1. Distribution of World Coal Reserves by Coal Categories


The largest part of the world's anthracite and bituminous coal reserves is located in the USA with a share of 29,1% (218.94 billion tons). China with 17,9% share (135,07 billion tons), India with 14,1% (105,98 billion tons), Australia with 9,8% (73,72 billion tons), 9,5% Russia (71,72 billion tons) follows the USA. The largest part of the world's sub-bituminous coal and lignite reserves is located in the Russian Federation with a share of 28,2% (90,45 billion tons). Australia with 23,9% (76,51 billion tons), Germany with 11,2% (35,90 billion tons), USA with 9,4% (30,00 billion tons), 3,7% Indonesia (11,73 billion tons) and Türkiye with 3,4% (10,98 billion tons) follow Russia.


Figure 2. Shares of Countries in World Coal Reserves


Türkiye's total coal resource is approximately 22,00 billion tons, with 20,53 billion tons of lignite and asphaltite (93,3%) and 1,52 billion tons of hard coal (6,7%).The lower calorific value of Türkiye's Hard Coal varies between 6.200 - 7.250 kcal/kg. Although the heating values of our lignite source vary between 1.000 kcal/kg and 4.200 kcal/kg, approximately 79% of them have a lower heating value below 2.500 kcal/kg.


Figure 3. Distribution of Türkiye's Coal Resources


According to The Energy Institute 2024 data, a total of 9,1 billion tons of coal was produced in the world in 2023, breaking an all-time production record. China ranked first with 4,7 billion tons (51,8%) of production.


Figure 4. Major Countries in World Coal Production in 2023


Figure 5. World Coal Production by Years


According to Enerdata 2024 data, a total of 8,77 billion tons of coal was consumed in the world in 2023, breaking the all-time consumption record. China ranked first with a consumption of 4,99 billion tons (57%).


Figure 6. Major Countries in World Coal Consumption in 2023


Figure 7. World Coal Consumption Between 1990-2023


According to the data of General Directorate Of Mining And Petroleum Affairs, Türkiye's run of mine coal production in 2023; 80,5 million tons of lignite, 1,30 million tons of asphaltite, 1,40 million tons of hard coal, totaling 83,2 million tons. 


Figure 8. Türkiye's Lignite Productions by Years


Figure 9. Türkiye's Asphaltite Productions by Years


Figure 10. Türkiye's Hard Coal Productions by Years


100,3 million tons of coal (38,9 million tons of hard coal + 56,6 million tons of lignite and asphaltite + 4,8 million tons of hard coal coke) was consumed in Türkiye in 2023.The largest share in the consumption of hard coal, lignite and asphaltite belonged to thermal power plants with 63,7% and 81,3%, respectively.


Figure 11. Consumption Distribution of Türkiye's Coal Consumption by Sectors, 2023


Türkiye's average coal (hard coal, hard coal coke, lignite and asphaltite) consumption between 2019-2023 was approximately 113 million tons.


Figure 12. Türkiye's Coal Consumption Amounts by Years


In Türkiye, in 2023, a total of 118.291.615,16 MWh electricity was produced from coal-fired power plants, with 46.168.574,60 MWh from domestic coal-fired (lignite+asphaltite+hard coal) power plants and 72.123.040,56 MWh from imported coal-based power plants. In 2023, the share of electricity produced from coal-based power plants in total electricity production was 36,42%, while the share of domestic coal (lignite + hard coal + asphaltite) was 14,21%.


Figure 13. Share of Resources in Türkiye's Electricity Generation, 2023


As of December 2024, in Türkiye; There are a total of 69 coal-fired power plants, including 1 asphaltite, 48 lignite, 4 hard coal and 16 imported coal-fired power plants.


As of December 2024, Türkiye's coal-based power plant installed power corresponds to 19% of the total installed power. The ratio of the domestic coal-based installed power to the total installed power was 9,9%.


Figure 14. Türkiye's Coal Based Installed Power as of December 2024


Date of Update: 26 December 2024

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Belge & Dosyalar