
The annual gross electricity consumption in 2023 increased by 1.2% to 335.2 TWh, compared to the previous year. Electricity generation reached 331.1 TWh, increasing by 0.8%.
According to the results of the Türkiye National Energy Plan, electricity consumption is expected to be 380.2 TWh in 2025, 455.3 TWh in 2030, 510.5 TWh in 2035.
By the end of December 2024, the installed capacity of Türkiye has reached 115,975 MW.
As of the end of December 2024, the distribution of installed capacity by resources is as follows: 27.8% hydraulic, 21.3% natural gas, 18.9% coal, 11.1% wind, 17.1% solar, 1.5% geothermal and 2.3% other sources.
Additionally, as of the end of December 2024, number of electricity generation plants in our country has reached 33,573 (including unlicenced plants). The distribution of power plants by resources is as follows: 765 hydraulic, 69 coal, 374 wind, 66 geothermal, 337 natural gas, 31,491 solar and 471 other power plants.
The details presented here have been prepared with the aim of informing the users of the website of our Ministry, and do not possess the characteristics of official binding documents.
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