Lead, which is generally found in the form of vein type and massive mineralizations, is subjected to various enrichment processes after being removed from underground. After passing through various metallurgical and chemical processes, rainer lead is obtained for industrial use.
With its various physical and chemical combinations, lead is used in many fields in the industry. Its softness, ease of processing, high specific gravity, high boiling point, low melting point, abrasion resistance, energy absorption and short-wave rays make it a superior place in many uses. Although various materials have been used instead of lead mines in recent years, battery production is an important input of the industry in paint, chemical industry and metal alloy.
The lead source defined in the world is more than 2 billion tons. Significant lead source in recent years has been defined in countries such as Australia, China, Ireland, Mexico and Peru. The total amount of reserves on a global scale is 85 million tons (lead metal content) and Australia ranks first at this point with a share of 44%.
In 2022, a total of 4.5 million tons (lead metal content) production was made on a global scale. China is the largest lead producer with 2 million tons annual production. Total rom lead production in our country was 383.398 tons in 2021.
The export values of lead ore and enriched lead ore have changed between 100-160 thousand tons in the last five years and reached 158 thousand tons in 2021. With the export of 133 thousand tons of raw lead in 2022, an export income of approximately 200 million dollars was obtained.
The average lead price for 2022 was 2.132$/ t. Türkiye’s main lead resources are found in Balıkesir, Yozgat, Çamardı, Aladağlar and Gümüşhacıköy regions.
Date of Update: 22 June 2023
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