Production Activities
- Prioritizing economic areas in terms of wind and solar energy potential,
- To identify areas that are technically appropriate and efficient to be established,
- To reveal areas that do not have any administrative problems in the establishment of wind and / or solar power plants,
- Planning the areas to be determined, taking into account the areas that are forbidden to establish administratively and their safety distances, and carrying out environmentally sensitive projects, not against the environment,
- To minimize the effects of renewable energy sources on the grid by determining the resource areas by taking into account the existing transmission infrastructure and investment projections,
- To ensure that the transmission infrastructure planning projections are tailored to the resource areas in line with the needs,
- To ensure that economic projects are carried out primarily in terms of the country's economy,
- To ensure that the transformer capacity is reserved in areas suitable for the establishment of WPP and SPP,
- To eliminate wasted time and cost items in renewable energy investments,
- To assist the energy supply security by providing the allocation of real areas to the real investor, as the areas to be determined are projects ready for the construction period, and by the effective commissioning of investments in the short term.
Mainly YEKA; These are areas where electricity generation plants based on wind and / or solar energy resources can be established in large installed powers with economic potential, which do not prevent establishment in terms of administrative permits, are technically suitable to be established and operated.
In general, we can list the main objectives of YEKA in the following items;
In order for an area to be declared as YEKA, analysis and planning of such areas have economic resource potential in terms of electricity generation, there are no restrictions that would prevent it from being established or operated technically, it is an environmentally sensitive investment and that the produced electricity can be transferred to the transmission system reliably. needs to be done. With the YEKA method, investments can be put into operation much more quickly as all the criteria are taken into account at the beginning of the process, and the way to reach the determined targets is opened more easily. Since YEKA has been freed from the necessary permit processes, the investments will start in the direct construction process and only real investors will be enabled to operate. Finally, with the adoption of the resource area determination method that will be applied as an alternative to the current licensing process, it is thought that with the commissioning of the projects in a much shorter period, large installed powers will be reached in a short time and thus, our country can reach its renewable energy targets. Adopting the principle of realizing economic projects primarily with YEKA, the projects will be put into operation in a short time, as well as the evaluation of the best resource areas, thereby generating profitable investments for the public and private sectors.
The method of determining YEKA includes the analysis of countries' resource potential, current transmission infrastructure and the mer legislation applicable to energy investments in that country. This method is based on the screening criteria and can generally be classified in five stages. The following section describes the issues and steps to consider when determining resource areas.
Stage 1 - Identification of Areas with Potential Above the Minimum Threshold:
When determining resource areas, firstly, the minimum threshold potential values should be calculated by taking into consideration the economic recycling periods of energy investments. Threshold potential values may differ from country to country according to the types of technology to be applied, investment and operating costs, sales prices of electricity produced and incentive systems. The purpose of this stage is primarily to identify the economic investment zones. Within the scope of YEKA, the renewable energy resource areas below the threshold potential value should be removed from the scope of the study and the search for the resource area over the remaining areas should be continued.
Stage 2- Determination of Unused Areas in Terms of Administrative Permits:
YEKA method aims to develop environmentally friendly renewable energy projects. The fact that the candidate source area has the potential to produce electricity does not mean that it is sufficient to be the source area of that region alone. The designated resource areas should not be included in areas forbidden to establish renewable energy power generation plants in terms of administrative and legal permits. Administrative forbidden areas, which may differ from country to country and energy resource type, should be excluded from the search for resource area. Thus, the problems that may be experienced in terms of administrative permits will be taken into consideration when planning the project in the first place. Within the scope of the YEKA study, revealing areas that are not used in administrative terms is one of the most important stages of these studies. Because continuing to work in an area where the right of land use cannot be obtained causes material and temporal losses in the process. Within the scope of the Electricity Market Licensing Regulation published in the RG dated 28.11.19 dated 02.11.2013 and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation published in RG dated 25.11.2014 and numbered 29186, the areas and the required safety (approach) distances that are required by the administrative institutions for renewable energy investments. It was investigated.
- "National Parks", "Natural Parks", "Natural Monuments" and "Natural Reserves" as defined in Article 2 of the National Parks Law and determined according to Article 3 of this Law,
- "Wildlife Safeguarding Areas, Wildlife Development Areas and Wildlife Placement Areas" as determined by the Land Hunting Law;
- Areas for which the "Cultural Assets", "Natural Assets", "Site" and "Protection Area" are identified and registered as "Cultural Assets", "Natural Assets", "Site" and "Reserve Area" in sub-paragraphs (a) 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Article 3 of the Law on Protection of Cultural and Natural Assets (, July 8, 2015),
- Areas designated and declared as "Special Environmental Protection Areas" by the Council of Ministers in accordance with Article 9 of the Environmental Law,
- Wetlands mentioned in the Regulation on the Protection of Wetlands and 2.5 km injunction zones surrounding these areas
- Bird migration routes in Istanbul, Kocaeli, Çanakkale, Tekirdağ, Hatay and Artvin provinces as part of Circular No. 2014/1 issued by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs on March 3, 2014,
- Prohibited zones in accordance with the Regulation on Military Prohibited Zones and Security Zones, put into effect by the Council of Ministers Decree No. 83/5949 dated January 17, 1983,
- Protected areas according to the Bosphorus Law, i. Protected Areas of the "Important Sea Turtle Reproductive Areas" (Areas of the "Convention for the Protection of Wildlife and Living Environments of Europe"), Areas of Protection I and II, "Areas for Living and Reproductive the Mediterranean Sea",
- Protected areas under the "Convention on the Protection of the Mediterranean Against Fouling" (Barcelona Convention)
- Coastal areas that are the habitat and nutrition environment of the "Mediterranean Endangered Sea Species" included in Article 17 of the Genoa Declaration,
- Cultural, historical and natural areas that are granted the status of "Cultural Heritage" and "Natural Heritage" protected by the Ministry of Culture in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of the World Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage,
- Areas under protection in accordance with the "Convention on the Conservation of Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat" (RAMSAR Convention),
- Areas that are important for scientific research and/or that are endangered or fall-out species and the habitat of species that are endemic to our country, biosphere reserve, biotopes, biogenetic reserve areas, unique geological and geomorphological formations,
- Areas where a construction ban has been imposed as per the Coastal Law,
- Aquaculture Products and Reproductive Areas under the Water Products Law,
- Areas defined in Articles 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Water Pollution Control Regulation,
- Lakes, rivers, groundwater operation areas,
- Windlicense/licensed wind and solar power plant areas,
- Wind and solar power plant areas covered by unlicensed electricity generation,
- Valuable mining sites licensed from the General Directorate of Mining Affairs,
- Pit, fountain, welding, sealing, tunnel, gallery, etc. for the designated protected areas. buildings are protected in the absolute protection areas (50 - 100 m) and first degree areas,
- Drinking and drinking water absolute and short-distance protection areas until special provisions for potable water basin are introduced.
Since the installed powers of the energy plant areas to be determined within the scope of the source area will be large, these areas must be planned in an environmentally friendly manner. For this purpose, the following are the areas where energy investments are not allowed under the applicable legislation.
Stage 3 - Determination of Non-Dryable Areas in Terms of Technical Criteria:
It is desired that the installation of an electricity production plant is as easy as possible and that its operation is smooth. In the resource areas to be determined from this point of view, it is necessary to set out the criteria that may lead to technical problems in the installation and operation of the welding areas, and in economic terms, extra costs. These criteria vary depending on the type of renewable energy source, where the topography of the land, the size of the resource area depending on the installed power and the natural conditions that need to be considered on a regional basis should also be considered.
Stage 4- Examination in terms of Electricity Transmission Infrastructure:
Power plants based on renewable energy sources produce variable and diffused electricity due to the nature of the sun and wind. In this respect, the current electricity transmission infrastructure of the system operator should be taken into consideration in order to transfer the electricity generated from the power plant to be installed in the source area to the network reliably. The carrying capacity and electricity supply-demand balances of the existing transmission line are a determining factor in the capacity of the generation facility to be established. If there is no suitable transmission capacity close to the source area, how to make an additional investment according to this area should be evaluated at this stage on a technical and economic scale.
Stage 5 - Making the Economic Priority Ranking of the Determined Resource Areas:
In YEKA determination methodology, priority planning of the resource areas to be determined in terms of the country's economy is required. At this last stage, analyzes will be made on the economic assumptions of resource areas determined technically and administratively and evaluations will be made. It is aimed to realize the most economical projects as priority in the short term by making comparisons between the determined resource areas.
In the method of determining the source area, it will be ensured that more environmentally friendly projects are realized due to the consideration of the prohibited areas and safety distances against the environmentally hazardous effects of the electricity generation plants to be installed. In addition, by revealing the places with high resource potential, it will be possible to benefit from the renewable energy potentials by making the current electricity transmission infrastructure development plans taking into account these areas.
- Available Fields: These are areas with high quality welding potential and close to current or planned electricity transmission lines. The distance to the transmission lines; It may vary depending on the size of the source area, its potential and the current carrying capacity of the transmission line in that region.
- Developable Areas: These are the areas where the source potential is high but there are no electricity transmission lines or distant to transmission lines and areas with transmission lines but without high source potential. In terms of transmission infrastructure, the size of the welding areas can be determined as a result of analysis of the production and transmission models to be carried out in order to transfer the generated electricity reliably to the voltage levels of the transmission lines close to the source area, the current carrying capacities depending on the type of conductor used. In order to ensure maximum benefit from the welding area, it is necessary to make transmission line investments in accordance with the production potential of the welding areas.
There are many candidate resource areas that can be developed in our country. Since it is not possible to work separately for each area from the transmission perspective and the questioning of the source areas in terms of administrative and technical aspects, the first thing to do is to start the analysis from the areas with high resource potential.
1. Working Groups
The process of identifying resource areas needs a coordinated and detailed working process. YEKA working groups consist of two sub-working committees, technical and administrative. The technical committee includes EIGM on behalf of MENR, which will identify the resource area and examine its production potential technically, and TEİAŞ, which will evaluate the transmission of the generated electricity to the network in terms of transmission infrastructure. In the sub-working groups of the administrative committee, candidate resource areas will be evaluated in terms of land ownership, zoning permits and environmental impacts, and the relevant local governments and the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization should be included in this committee. All these studies will be reviewed by our Ministry and EMRA as the Monitoring Committee and the determination process will be finalized.
2. Investigation in terms of Regional Technical and Administrative Permits
Another stage to be considered while conducting the resource area of the regions that may be suitable for the transmission infrastructure is to evaluate the land in terms of geological studies, ownership, environmental impacts and the zoning process. In this process, it is necessary to work with the relevant local governments and the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. The main studies that need attention are given below.
a. Land Geological Studies
b. Land Ownership
c. Local zoning restrictions
D. Finding an existing or projected structure
to. Land Permits
f. Environmental Effects
3. Evaluation of Electricity Transmission Infrastructure
Electricity transmission infrastructure is an indispensable issue in order to transfer the produced electricity to the network safely. The point to be considered in the process of determining the resource area; The relationship between searching for the potential of the source where the transmission lines are present or whether the transmission lines should be brought to the places where the source areas exist is similar to the dilemma “chicken or hatch, egg or hatch”. For this purpose, detailed technical and economic analysis between high quality welding areas and electricity transmission infrastructure should be made. Resource areas can be grouped under two groups in terms of transmission infrastructure. These;
Projects to be implemented primarily among selected resource areas should be selected according to the country's economy and energy system requirements. Accordingly, reduced electricity production cost (LCOE) prices for each determined resource area should be calculated and projects with the lowest cost should be implemented primarily in order to provide maximum benefit for the country's economy. In addition, it is important to make sources with variable production characteristics such as solar energy close to the points where consumption is more, in order to minimize the effects on the grid. This is another point to be taken into account in the realization of resource areas as a priority.
In the YEKA determination method, areas ready for investment are created by taking into consideration the permissions and approvals required for the establishment of the electricity generation plant. With the directing of the investments to these areas, the loss of time for the permits that the investors should obtain during the associate degree period will be prevented within the scope of the provisions of the Electricity Market License Regulation. Thus, investments will be provided to enter the business more quickly. How these resource areas will be allocated to investors may vary depending on country requirements. Below are the methods that can be followed for YEKA allocation.
1. Making allocations to investors with an incentive price for each resource area, taking reference to the reduced electricity production cost per kWh calculated separately for each resource area,
2. In our country, which aims to reduce the dependency on foreign production in renewable energy technologies by encouraging domestic manufacturing, making allocations to companies producing domestic equipment from these areas by considering their annual production capacities,
3. Allocating these areas to the investors in exchange for the land use fee, and allocating the electricity produced by allowing bilateral agreements to be sold in the market,
4. Due to the large scale of the power plants to be installed in the designated resource areas, these investments are made and operated by the state in terms of their importance in terms of energy supply security and the operation and maintenance of these power plants are relatively easy compared to those based on other sources.
Finally, EMRA will be licensed in accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Market Law No. 6446 in order for the electricity generation plants to be established in the resource areas to operate in the electricity market.
With the rapidly increasing world population and industrialization, the need for energy is increasing day by day. Approximately 80 of the world's electricity needs are met from fossil sources. However, due to the rapid decrease of the reserves of fossil resources and environmental pollution, different solutions were sought. In addition to being sustainable, renewable energy sources have gained importance due to their availability all over the world and their environmental impact is very low, and have caused countries to change their energy policies. According to the World Energy Outlook report, it is predicted that by 2040, renewable energy investments will be much more competitive and the share of renewable energy within the total electricity generation share in the world will reach 34% from 21%. It is estimated that the largest shareholder in this development will be wind and solar energy. Due to the increasing energy demand and the danger of the depletion of conventional resources, the use of renewable energy resources has gained importance especially in recent years, and it is foreseen that its importance will increase with the coming years. Countries implement various incentive mechanisms to encourage renewable energy investments. With the decrease in technology prices, it has become more important to operate in areas with suitable potential rather than incentive mechanisms for the renewable energy based electricity generation facility investments, which started to compete with conventional sources.
Sample applications in the USA, England and Germany, which use the method of determining the source area in the world, are examined. In the license process applied in our country, the time between the development of a power plant project and its operation takes 6-7 years on average, or it is observed that the projects are canceled due to the failure to obtain the necessary permits, whereas in the application of the method of determining the resource area in the world, it is observed that the plants are put into operation for an average of 2-3 years. The general working principle of the method of determining the source area is based on the selection criteria. The criteria to be determined may vary from country to country depending on factors such as the energy potential of countries, the legislation of mer, technology types, system costs and energy targets.
- Our renewable energy resources will be established with components or plant components with high domestic contribution and high technology,
- Contributions will be made to ensure technology transfer and Research and Development activities will be developed in our country on renewable energy issues in our country,
- Our electricity transmission and distribution system will be operated more safely,
- The electricity to be produced in YEKA's will be provided to be purchased in more economical conditions according to market prices,
The National Energy and Mining Policy announced by our Ministry is built on "energy supply security", "localization" and "predictable markets". "more domestic and more renewable" approach has been adopted. In the framework of these policies based on local production and R & D base and Türkiye work to do in this area, it is meticulously executed. Employment and R & D and investments in progress, aimed at providing a contribution to the current account deficit and lowering Türkiye's exports. We have a strategy and policy based on energy supply security, alternative energy sources, resource diversity, the introduction of domestic and renewable resources into the economy, sustainability, liberalization in energy markets and energy efficiency. In this context, our main strategies and policies are to ensure the diversity of resources by prioritizing domestic resources, to increase the share of renewable energy resources in energy supply, to bring full functionality to free-market conditions, to improve the investment environment and to increase energy efficiency. Türkiye, wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, and sustainable marine renewable energy resources and to develop and systematically seeks to use. In addition to providing renewable energy, supply security, and resource diversity, it is also important in terms of transition to a low carbon economy, its contribution to sustainable development with innovative approaches and new technologies. Studies are carried out to create an energy sector that complies with our strategies and policies. Our country, which has a rich renewable energy potential in terms of reducing our high foreign dependency on energy and ensuring sustainability in energy supply, should also use these resources effectively. Due to its economic resource potential, domestic and foreign investors show great interest in establishing an electricity production plant based on renewable energy resources in our country.
Technical, administrative, and economic criteria have been introduced and basic standards have been developed in order to determine the resource areas in our country. First of all, this criterion is the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Determination, Rating, Conservation and Use of Renewable Energy Resource Areas for Electric Energy Production” published in the Official Gazette dated 27.11.2013 and numbered 28834. By creating large-scale renewable energy resource areas (YEKA) in public and treasury real estate and private property, efficient and efficient use of our renewable energy sources, the realization of investments with the allocation of these areas to investors, and the parts containing advanced technology used in electrical energy production facilities based on our renewable energy resources. The Regulation on Renewable Energy Resource Areas was published in the Official Gazette dated 09/10/2016 and numbered 29852 in order to ensure that it is produced domestically or supplied domestically and contributes to the technology transfer. With this Regulation, a new model has been launched in the evaluation of renewable energy sources. Thanks to the YEKA model;
Large-scale renewable energy resource areas (YEKA) will be created in public and treasury real estate and private property, and renewable energy resources will be used more effectively and efficiently,
Serious employment will be provided thanks to the factories to be established within the scope of the Domestic Production Provision Allocation (LOAD) model.
The studies for determining new YEKAs based on wind and solar energy and organizing competitions are continuing by our Ministry. YEKA competition of the new ones also will provide a significant acceleration in the assessment of Türkiye's renewable energy potential result of the performance, our country will increase its investments in renewable energy, but also the logistic advantage of our the country in economic strength, will have positive effects in becoming an important center with qualified staff competence is assessed.
In our country, minimum threshold values have been calculated for the areas with economic potential in order to determine the resource areas within the ministry and RES-GES has been established with the relevant public institutions in order to reveal prohibited areas.
The first tender within the scope of YEKA Regulation was awarded in May 2017 for the construction of a 1 GW solar power plant (SPP) in Konya / Karapınar with an estimated USD 1.3 billion total investment. The solar plant will be operational for 30 years meeting the electricity demand of over 600,000 households. The tender also included a commitment to conduct R&D activities in Turkey for a minimum of 10 years, employment of at least 80% local staff, and construction of an integrated factory for production from ingot to photovoltaic module. The country’s first integrated solar module manufacturing facility, based on investment of USD 400 million and with an annual capacity of 1000 MW, opened in August 2020 in Ankara's Başkent Organized Industrial Zone, employing around 1400 people. The construction of a 1 GW solar power plant was completed in February 2023.
In 2021, by the 74 REZ SPP-3 Competitions covering 36 provinces, 1000 MWe of connection capacity were allocated as 10, 15 and 20 MWe. Contracts with all winners were signed as of 11/08/2021. The evaluation process for candidate REZ’s were completed and these were announced as REZ's in the Official Gazette. Permitting process and installation works continue for the projects granted pre-license/license by EMRA.
REZ SPP-4 Competitions were announced in the Official Gazette on 14/07/2021 for the allocation of 1000 MWe. Applications for 300 MWe capacity in Niğde (Bor-1, Bor-2 and Bor-3 Competitions, 100 MWe each), were received on 30/03/2022 and the tenders were held on 08/04/2022. The winner companies were invited to sign contracts. Remaining 700 MWe capacity will be allocated by 2 Erzin (Hatay) and 10 Viranşehir (Şanlıurfa) Competitions as 50 and 100 MWe capacities. Applications for 12 competitions were received on 21/06/2022 and tenders were held on 28/06/2022. All the projects were granted license by EMRA and installation works continue.
Date of Update: 24 December 2024
The REZ Wind Power Plant (WPP)-1 Competition held in 2017 with a connection capacity of 1000 MWe was allocated for the projects located in Edirne-Tekirdağ-Kırklareli, Sivas and Eskişehir provinces. Within the scope of the contract, the installation of the wind turbine factory in İzmir-Aliağa by the winner of the competition was completed in December 2019 and it was made ready for 65% domestic wind turbine production. An R&D Center was established in İzmir by the winner of the competition and more than 50 qualified researchers from different universities/research centers were employed.
The contract of YEKA - WPP 1; It has been canceled within the scope of the Law No. 7501, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 32543 dated 11/05/2024.
YEKA-WPP-2 Competition Announcement was published in the Official Gazette dated 07.11.2018 and numbered 30588 within the scope of the Regulation on Renewable Energy Resource Areas published in the Official Gazette dated 09.10.2016 and numbered 29852.
4 competitions, each with a capacity of 250 MWe, were held in Aydın, Çanakkale, Muğla and Balıkesir provinces for the allocation of a total capacity of 1000 MWe in 2019.
Wind turbines and plant site components with domestic goods and having the desired domestic contribution rates will be used in all WPPs to be established. Depending on the power of the wind turbines to be produced at the factory, approximately 300 to 400 wind turbines will be installed.
Permitting process and installation works continue for the projects granted pre-license/license by EMRA.
YEKA WPP-3 Competitions were held on 14/06/2022 as to cover totally 850 MWe including 20 tenders of 20-80 MWe capacities. The evaluation process candidate REZ’s were completed and these were announced as REZ's in the Official Gazette. Permitting process and installation works continue for the projects granted pre-license/license by EMRA.
Date of Update: 24 December 2024